Wednesday 13 January 2010

Hit test

Well the Hit test didnt really go down too well at first but after some trial and error I have managed now to get rid of all the aliens with the Tank Bombs hitting them but then encountered some errors this was down to that the timer was still running for something that wasnt on screen so I sorted that out so now the code in the Game is nice and long so now to compress it a bit and then continue with the rest i.e. maybe add some levels and even some lives for the Tank, I want this game to look as good as the original if not a little more updated :-).

p.s. I have used the HitTestObject method as this will detect and posistion with element not just a given posistion.

here is some more code for the HitTest:
This code detects if the aliens hit the Tank and if so goto frame six which is my End Screen.

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