Saturday 2 January 2010

Game Continued

Hi told you I wouldn't be back until after Crimbo,

So after drawing all the elements and creating all the scenes for them I then decided that before marching ahead with the game and the coding I would test each element in a simple game, i.e. creating a simple click action so that when I clicked the individual elements they would run their animation once.

So what did I do next well I created the little game layout, well OK just an empty screen with the elements on I then added a Mouse click event handler and clicked on the first element and guess what happen... well it did its little explosion and then did another and kept looping each time so what was going on?

I looked at each of the scenes and noticed that I didn't put stop(); in any of the scenes so after finding out that I needed to put stop on each scene so the animation wouldn't loop continually I then realised that I didn't need stop on all the elements as I wanted them some elemets to have the effect of them been broken down into smaller pieces. so with these elements I placed stop(); in the first scene and deleted the rest of the stop() out of all the other scenes and this gave me my desired look that I wanted.

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