Saturday 30 January 2010

Arr the Game

Well got an email from Chris today and in his email he states he wants the game to run on mac (which it does from a website), but he also states he wants to view it now that's the problem I have done this in Flash CS4 and at Uni its Flash CS3 so easy fix me thinks save it as CS3 file and jobs a good one but oh no, I get to Uni and nothing loads up comes up with error corrupted files, try saving again but same again nothing seems to work so I got on to my trusty online friend (google) and typed in the problems and guess what threes a problem in that I'm using Windows 7 and apparently windows 7 doesn't like flash Cs4, so with this in mind my next step was to download VM ware and install vista and then save the game that way and... I will tell you tomorrow when I test it.

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