Wednesday 13 January 2010

Back to Class

Hello all, not been on here for a while with it been Christmas. So how did the first day go, to be honest not to bad got our new assignment brief today. In the brief Gianni wants us to do some work on Hertzian Space - this in lame man terms means that the we have to do some research of radio frequency how they act, how long frequency last for and what can happen to frequencies with human interaction. All this has to bind with what we are doing for Stonehouse, so i have been thinking of still sticking with the idea of traffic noise but I also thought about maybe getting data from radio signals that bounce around the given area and maybe even detect what radio stations are been played by cars. The Idea i think is good but I am not sure if it would be possible with limited technology and knowledge but then again when there's a will there's a way...

So after having a chat in class we all went down to Stonehouse to take some blue tooth readings. The device we used for the readings was our own telephones and as I didn't have mine at the time we used Kathleen's to take some notes down of how many devices we could find with our phones. To be honest we didn't really find that many, as I think the signal for blue tooth is too limiting and therefore we were mainly picking up the other groups Blue tooth signals.
We have compiled a map of what we found in Union street and we will be doing a test again with WI-FI other the following week in our own time.

Well here is the map/Image of how many devices we found:

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