Thursday 29 October 2009

Digital Signature Contd

Well after debating what signature I should choose to do, I decided on doing my digital signature as elements combining together to create who I am... I know a little bit confusing but hopefully a quick description and an image will help you understand a bit more.

In the image my Digital signature is made up of name which is central to the elements that surround my name I have chosen this design as I feel this closely matches my identity in that I am made up of smaller pieces not just one and I have Incorporated 2 fonts which are Ariel and Joker these represent me as I have a serious side and a jocking side. The name is also made up of mainly black but incorporates red as this is my favorite color. Well here is the picture hope this makes a bit more sense.

Digital Signature:

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Stonehouse - Combined Annotations

Well its my first post of the day, and this post is all about the Stonehouse map and how you might want to decipher this super complex image :-)
So Lets start with mine, mine is based on traffic flow between quiet times of the day and rush hour times - I have illustrated this with Red Lines meaning the traffic was busy most of the day, The Green Lines meaning traffic was quiet most of the day and the Green/Red lines meaning there was a flux of traffic between certain hours i.e. rush hour traffic.

Next on the list is Kathleen's - Kathleen chose to do pubs around a given area of Stonehouse and she wanted to see which pubs seemed to better that others on a night time i.e busier she has illustrated this with highlighting the pubs in blue and then placing either a red or green dot in the middle of the blue circle to illustrate which were busier. The blue and red dots mean they were lets say naff and the blue and green dots seamed to be the better places (we will have to go and try them out maybe a class project).


Stonehouse - Combined Maps

Hello again, Today we as a group have combined our maps together to give an overall view of what we have done and from here we can decide what area of Stonehouse we are wanting to work in and then the fun begins.

In the overall image there is two different aspects from Stonehouse which are traffic flow and sound created by the traffic and the other is pubs and the ambiance these pubs emit i.e. which ones seem more livelier and nosier and which ones tend to be less desirable.

Image Combined:

Image Combined No Background:

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Transforming Stonehouse - With Experiance

Hi again, well what did I do today... to be honest, not a great deal. I went down to Stonehouse to actually get a feel of it and to do some plotting on a map. My plotting involved me looking at the flow of traffic and determining which roads were busier. Whilst I was in Stonehouse I thought I would go and have a look in ALDI (First time for everything) I didn't think much of ALDI, until I stumbled across a WACOM Graphics Tablet for under £40 (Not a bad price), so I got my self one and as I left the shop, I realised just how busy some of the roads were and how noisy the traffic was and it got me thinking of the map again. I decided to add more information on to it i.e how did the roads in a given area differ from peak time traffic and off peak traffic... and guess what... Union street got busier but the back streets pretty much stayed the same also I decided to throw another aspect into the maps and that was the noise of the area at a given time(well how noisy I thought it was). I have added a few images to try and clarify what I have said.

This is the map (with my markings):

The image below is how the map looks with just my markings:

A Networked World

In today's lesson we were talking about networks and how they work, so I thought I would give you a quick insight on what networks are about and how they are used in today's society.

What are networks:

There are many different types of networks that we as humans use on a daily basis, these can run from a simple family structure network through to a full society network which includes a certain infrastructure such as governments.

Networks within computers:

This is mainly what we think of when we mention networks, networks within computers are as the name suggests just a connection of computers communicating with each other to create networks, but networks are a bit more complex than that and there are different variants of networks.

There is the Centralised Network in which there is a central computer that distributes information to the requesting computers the problem with this kind of network is there is a single point of failure in that if the central computer goes down so does the entire network.

Then there is the Decentralised Network this works in a similar way to the Central network system but instead of having just one central computer distributing information there is a number of these systems combined together so that if one system goes down there will still be other systems able to communicate with each other.

The other and most widely used network system is the Distributed system this is where every computer within the system is connected with at least two other computers this eliminates any single point of failure as information will still be able to get to the desired system albeit maybe not in the most direct route.

So now that I have given a very very brief description of what networks are, how do they work within the media industry.

Well in the television media we can say that they are working on a Central Network basis in that they distribute information out from one location this can also be known as a one-to-many relationship. There are many other examples of different networks we as humans use on a daily basis, but for now I'm sure you have read enough and want to have a nice long drink... I know I do so go on get your self a drink.

Oh one last thing here is an image of the talked about networks, maybe you might find it interesting:

Using Dreamweaver

I know a bit of a late entry, last Friday 23 October I started to use dreamweaver to create our own website.

Monday 26 October 2009


So here is a good one for you, your on my Blog just looking through, obviously you know what a blog is and what you are doing but guess what... I'm going to explain to you what a Blog is. Told you its a good one.

So what is a Blog, well a blog is like an online diary in that you can jot down things that may have happened to you through out the day/week an in doing so communicating your feelings and thoughts to the rest of the world.

Digital Signature

Hi again, For our first assignment Gianni has set us the task for us to create a digital signature out of only our names. We are only allowed to use our names and nothing else i.e lines also we are not allowed to stretch our signatures and the only thing we are allowed to use is fonts.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Stonehouse - Without experiance

Well wasn't really sure what Shaun was wanting me to do with this so I decided to get a map of Stonehouse, not actually been there before so not even one hundred percent sure where it is in Plymouth. So lets keep with the plan I got a map and looking at Stonehouse on the map I decided to draw lines (Green and Red) for areas that I thought would have busy roads and the other areas that I thought would have quiet roads (like I say not exactly sure if this is what Shaun wants).
As you will see in the map I have illustrated the roads that I think will be busy as red lines and the quiet roads as having green lines, hope the image will clarify this.

Stonehouse - Without Experience.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Maping Media

Me and Kathleen worked together to come up with a mind map of what we understand about Media and what types there are etc. As you can see with have picked out the main areas of media such as TV, Music, Paper Form and Media that is primarily on the Internet. We have broken these down into sub categories and have illustrated this within our mind map.

Media Mind Map:

Friday 23 October 2009

The Social Media

Hello I again have not really got a clue what I am supposed to do here due to not actually starting the course until after this lecture had taken place so let me get started with what I think social is in a media sense.

How I see it social in the media sense is a collection of different types of media formats such as video (YouTube) where people can share their thoughts with other people around the world and in a sense have a social connection with someone maybe sitting 3000 miles away.

There are many different platforms that we can use to be sociable with other people such as Facebook and as previously mentioned YouTube, these are just different platforms in promoting social media.

I myself am not a great fan of social media, I feel that we are loosing our own identities within the realms of Facebook and Myspace, as we can become who we desire to be and also what is sociable about been sat in front of a computer by yourself?

Here is a Mind Map of Social Media:

Mind Map of Myself

We were asked to do a mind map of our selves, after deciding what makes me tick I drew out a quick sketch but decided to do my map in some software easier to look at. Well the image is attached below and hopefully you can see what makes me tick in life well OK only some of as I like to keep some things a secret.

My first trace sketch using Adobe Illustrator

Today I was a bit bored so I decided to try out the trace sketch that we was told about in the last lesson we had for the IDAT-107 module. I really enjoyed doing the sketch and I am going to try and colour it next so lets see how it ends up looking (probbly naf).

Well as you can see I was still kinda bored so I thought I would try a bit of colouring in Photoshop and here is the finish image (told you it would look naf). Hopefully we will be shown how to colour better in illustrator.

Thursday 22 October 2009

First Day of the I-DAT107 Module

In today's lesson we were working with Adobe Illustrator, I found it a bit tricky to start with due to not been familiar with the environment of the application, but after some time, I started to enjoy using the programme and realised the potential this application has when designing images for a web site. I will be using Adobe Illustrator at home to get a handle of the application but for now as its been a long day I will leave it for a bit.

Subjectivity and Writing

Subjectivity and Writing was apparently one of the lectures I didn't have due to not actually starting the course. So not actually knowing where to start I thought I would do some research into these two meanings... So out with the coffee AGAIN.

So subjectivity as I understand (or maybe not) is a way to express your self with words in that people can get an understanding of who you are and how you operate and do things in your life some people refer to this as "voice" in writing i.e. you write with emotion to get your point or opinions across.

So I hope I got the right Idea of what Subjectivity means if not please leave me a comment.

An illustration of somebodies view on Subjectivity:

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Transforming Stonehouse

We have been given a task that is called transforming Stonehouse for this unit, we as a group are asked to visit Stonehouse and plot some interesting facts onto a map, we then have to express these choice of facts in our own individual way.

First Day of the I-DAT106 Module

Well today has been an interesting day, I got to meet Shaun Murray(The module tutor) Kinda funny guy and easy to talk to. Shaun explained to me about what the module was about and what was expected from me as a student on this course and what tasks lay ahead of us. The first task that I have to play catch up on is the Transforming Stonehouse task, The task (if I understood correctly) is to go out to Stonehouse which is apparently a deprived area of Plymouth and plot an area of interest, this interest could be the flow of traffic both in and out of major routes of the Stonehouse area and illustrate this as a graphical representation on a map to symbolise the flow of traffic in an artistic and abstract manor (Should be Fun :-) ).

Tuesday 20 October 2009

First Day on the DAT Course

Well today was my first day on the DAT (Digital Arts and Technology) course, I was a bit nervouse as I suppose most people would be when starting either a new job or a course but to be honest there was nothing to be nervouse about, I found all the tutors/Lecturers to be very helpfull and supportive due to my circumstances (missing the first three weeks of the course as I was enrolled on another course that wasnt right for me). The course work that I experianced today was very intresting and to be honest this is part of one of the modules that I am doing the other module was the introduction to Lucid Viewer which uses Panorama Images and films to create an interactive experiance. Well thats enough for me babling for now as my tea is ready so if you fancy leaving any comments please do so.


I would just like to say hi to everyone who takes an intrest in my Blog and to hopefully shed some light on University life for people wanting to return to education after spending time away.