Thursday 19 November 2009

Projection Idea

We have decided to run with the idea of combining two elements together i.e. the flow of traffic and sound it produces and the flow of people and the ambiance a pub generates.
So the next thing on the list is deciding what to project, We have come up with the idea of creating a sort of disco that can be projected into a derelict building (we have an idea of what building but not sure if it will be possible).

The part that I will be concentrating on will be obviously converting the data I have collected and then representing this in a visual way, I have decided to use something like beat bars (bars that rise and fall depending on Decibels) to represent the sound levels and maybe (not fully decided yet) illustrate the flow of traffic by using images (stick men) obvisouly the more the cars at a given time the more the people.

The part that Kathleen will be concentrating on will be the noise levels surrounding the pubs, and this will be projected as the flashing lights (for the disco) and also the number of people in a pub will possibly be represented using stick women, This can be illustrated in the image bellow.

Stonehouse Disco:

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