Wednesday 11 November 2009

The joys of creating...

Hello I decided to use what I believe is an elastic layout (I think)... The user can re size his/her screen and the design will stretch a shrink to a certain extent, I have added a restriction to the width when the user re sizes his/her screen so that if the area goes below 800px it will not shrink any more I think this is OK as most people use higher resolution screens that 800px but for those who still have the smaller resolution the site will still be readable (hopefully).

So how did i get to this, well to be honest I kinda done something similar before but now with a little bit more knowledge I think I have managed to create something that flows nicely for the user the only hardest bit about this is actually knowing what you want the finished product to look like so many ideas but I suppose I can always do more to it after the hand in date.

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