Tuesday 23 March 2010

Group project for IDAT-108

This is the final project for the IDAT-108 unit, it is a group project with me, Kathleen and Jonathon working together to create a video that complies with either the Integrated Datawork or Soft Cinema option.

As neither of us are particularly fantastic at anything, and nobody is better than the other at the tasks, we have decided to share the work load and each do a bit of everything. The first thing we had to do was to decide what we were going to film and how to do it. We decided that we would be creating 360 panoramas of the University, the Hoe, the Barbican and the National Marine Aquarium.

Becuase we don't have enough space to store all of the panoramas, we have decided to focus on completing the tour for the Hoe. We went up to the Hoe with Karol and filmed along the promenade and down by Tinside pool, then back up. Jonathon rode the mobility scooter and did the filming while I followed behind recording the sound and Kathleen took high res photos so that we could use them in the tour.

The idea behind the high res photos was so that the user can click on them throughout the tour and they could see the thing they clicked on in high res, possibly with a description of what it is.

Monday 22 March 2010

Flash Game Marks

Well got my Flash game marks back today and I got 76% wasnt to bad but I think I probably would of got more if I had dropped in some fun aspects like maybe a "penguin" shooting bullets at falling objects but never mind.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Deciding to go Visual

After discussing for over a week me and Kathleen have decided that it would be better for us to go with just the Microphone option due to the lack of knowledge on some of the certain areas we need to cover, also we feel that it would probably be better doing something in Processing with the information we get as we feel it would be a better solution to visualise the information in a programme created for this kind of situation.