Tuesday 22 December 2009

Game Design Cont:

So Back to the design this will probably be my last post now until January as its Crimbo in a couple days time :-).

As you can see from my previous posts I have designed a few elements for my game, I decided to continue with the design phase before really moving onto anything else, so the next step in the design phase was the backgrounds, I thought of creating a few moving backgrounds for which they was a few tutorials on line but decided not to go with them as the Aliens in my game will be going backwards and forward and therefore not really moving off screen.

So as you can see in the images below I decided to create static background scenes:

Start Screen
Night Scene
Afternoon Scene
Morning Scene

Saturday 19 December 2009

Game Design

Well after starting to create the game I actually thought the game looked a bit dull, so I decided I should create all the elements of the Game such as the Tank aliens and the bombs.

So here are the finished elements of the game, please note that all of them have different scenes within them selves to create animations but I decided to only put a few up as it would just take for ever to upload all the images of the individual elements.

Tank - Eploded

Sheild - Full

Sheild - After one hit
Play Again Button
Play Again Button - On Mouse Over
Alien - 1
Alien - 2
Alien - 3
Level Up Button
Level Up Button - On Mouse Hover

Sunday 13 December 2009

Stonehouse Projection Idea

Well today didn't really have much to do so decided to create a little animation of what the project might look like, I have kept to the idea of sound waves eating away the built up grime and came up with a first version animation that I made in Flash just so I could get a feel of what it might look like. Obviously the final result should look a lot better and a lot neater but for now I feel this gives a good example.

Please not the animation will load, it just takes a while as its a big file 2.5mb.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Chinese Numbers

Hi I finally finished my Chinese numbers assignment for Mark Dixon, I decided to get it done earlier than needed just so I could have a nice and relaxing Christmas oh and to also concentrate more on the Flash Game as I enjoy actions script more than JavaScript.

Friday 11 December 2009

Game Continued

Well I had an interesting day in Chris's lessons and thought I would continue a bit more with my Game and decided to put a start screen in the game so the user can press a start button that then takes him to the game.

Here it is:

Thursday 10 December 2009

Game Continued

Well after some more time spent on the Flash game project I have now managed to get a missile going up the screen and the alien going across the screen. I now just need to figure out how to complete the collisions and then the scoring bit hopefully get this project done earlier than later so get more time to do some other things in Flash.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


Today me and Kathleen decided to go down to Stonehouse and get some measurements for our projection, the measurements we got were Width: 289cm x Height 153cm (both sides) and middle x 183cm. So as you can probably tell the window we will be projecting into will be an arch window. I have attached a diagram to show this.


Start of game

Hello all, I thought for a change I will get ahead of the game and start to create the Flash game for Chris's module IDAT-102. I have decided to create a kind of space invaders game as its an all time favorite but I may put a different twist to it to make it a bit more unique. I started to do the design of it and then created all the objects that will be needed for the game and saved them as movie clips so I can do more with the objects, the next steps are getting the things to move with the user interactions and here is a demo of where I am up to so far.

The Game:

Monday 7 December 2009

Copyrights Approved

Good news for us, our photos have been approved for us to publish them on our blog so here are the pictures hopefully they are of some use, I feel that with this information and maybe a trip to the library for hopefully some more photos we should be able to represent what it looked like at the time and also what me and Kathleen thought was to add a twist to the projection by maybe adding a scene out of the Cinderella pantomime as this was the first ever showing at the Grand Theatre .on the 26th December 1869 at 6pm.

Courtesy of Plymouth and West Devon records Office: 828/9 - Sale Particulars,828/8/2 - Page 99 of Lease Holdings, 828/8/2 - Page 104 of Lease Holdings, 1395/17 - Floor plans, 1395/18 - Floor plans, 1358/1 - Handbill for "The Eternal City", PCC/60/1/294 - Blue prints, 114/48/41 - Application for registration, 2887/22 - Photographs of interior Grand Theatre, 114/216 - Incident reports

Saturday 5 December 2009

Hand Tattoo

For the second assignment for IDAT-107 we were asked to create a new composition of our hand by inserting some biographical facts and then displaying this text at either 30 or 45 degree angles. so I decided to do my image of a dead hand to represent my love for horror movies and inserted text at 30 degree angles apart from my fiancee name wich is at 45 degree angles.

hope you enjoy my picture:

Friday 4 December 2009

Flash...Saviour of the Universe :-)

Well OK as you can probably tell this is one of my first posts on Flash and no not Flash Gordon sorry Chris. So what did I do today... I did some Actionscript 3.0 didn't find it to hard just having to remember what goes where and how so back out with some of the older books and the tutorials. We have been asked to create a game for our next assignment so I thought why not go with an old school favourite... yes you guessed Space Invaders but I might put a little twist into it :-) so watch this space.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Collecting Data

I feel today has been a very productive day for our project. Me and Kathleen decided that for us to fully achieve what we want to do as our projection we needed to know what the building was built for and also if possible what the building inside looked like before it was ruined and after deciding we needed more info we then booked a place for us to go down to the Plymouth and West Devon archives building and find some more information out. After spending a few hours in there we found a lot information about our little (BIG) building even letter about an army truck damaging some of the building exterior and the army paying a whopping £60 out for the damages. I did take some photos of some of the information we found but we are not allowed to publish them until we get the copyrights for us to do so.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

First Group Presentation

Well today was the first group presentation for this module, I didn't really know what was expected of us from the start but after seeing the first group presentation I now have a better understanding and have a few ideas that I think might work then again might not work as well so time to become Mr Motivator and get my ass into gear.

Oh for those of you who cant remember Mr Motivator here he is: Love the moves